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Advanced Board
Director Programme

Singapore - 2024


The Cambridge - Earth on Board
Advanced Board Director Programme
Singapore | 2024

Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and Earth on Board (EoB) are joining their extensive experience with boards of directors and higher-level executives to offer an in-person seminar in Singapore to Board Directors based in Asia. This seminar will be held in 2024 at a date defined later.


Join this programme to:

  • Enhance your capacity to analyse and discuss the consequences on your company's long-term performance and strategy of a changing business context, which is increasingly shaped by sustainability issues

  • Understand the profound implications on board duties and the changes needed to fulfil your responsibilities

  • Go further in your role as board member to integrate sustainability in the company by exercising transformative direction and oversight of management.

Programme overview

In the face of global changes and disruptions, and the urgent necessity to fundamentally change the way we do business, Boards need to take the lead.
Entrenched in concrete board experience, this programme is designed to enable Board directors to think critically about their role and duties and to provide the strategic leadership that the external context urgently requires of them.


Key themes over the programme include:

  • A new sustainability context for business

  • Board duties and the need to put sustainability at the centre of strategy

  • Testing and shaping a sustainable strategy from the board

  • Sustainability reporting: from compliance to driving progress and building trust with stakeholders

  • Leadership from the Board – practical steps to progress

  • The board in action. Dealing with dilemmas – role-play



This seminar is taking place from around 4.00pm on the firest day and concluding around 4.00pm on the second day (including dinner on first day that is part of the programme). Precise timings will be confirmed to directors registered.


There are limited spaces on the in-person course, registration is therefore subject to approval by CISL and EoB.

Registration is not yet open, you can note your interest by sending an email to

Any questions? Eager to know more?
For any questions, please contact Constant Van Aerschot, Director of Earth on Board in Singapore – - +65 8228 4310


Our references in the region


2022-2023 Training programmes in Singapore attended by more than 130 Directors

Since May 2022, CISL and EoB held two different and complementary programmes for Board directors in Singapore:

  • An in-person Board Director Programme that took place on October 2022 in Singapore

  • A 6-hour online Director programme, with 3 cohorts delivered between May 2022 and June 2023

The in-person programme and 6-hour online programmes are prescribed courses that allowed attendees to fulfil the new SGX requirements with regard to director’s training on sustainability.


Participants will benefit from our long-lasting experience all over the world and strengthened involvement in the region:

  • Similar board programmes delivered since 2017 in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

  • Multiple sessions with boards of major companies and financial institutions in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Australia.

Benefits of the programme for Boards
Expand awareness and insight
Align governance and focus

Examine the scale and urgency of the sustainability
challenge and its relevance to the Board, strengthening your systemic thinking and ability to
connect global challenges to your company’s strategic context.

Informed by our Faculty’s experience and examples of leadership from companies worldwide, review your Board’s current approach and capacity for action.

Analyse implications for the business model and for the fiduciary responsibility of Board Directors
Structure engagement with management

Understand critical risks, priority actions, evolving trends in reporting and disclosure requirements and potential business opportunities.

Become better equipped to fulfil your Board
duties by challenging and guiding your executive team, helping to integrate sustainability into
business strategy and fulfilling your board duties.

Surfacing and exploring dilemmas

Share innovative approaches to common dilemmas
among your peers, such as conflicting expectations among stakeholders and tackling complex issues to make progress within the Board agenda.

"Spent the last two days in Melbourne at Cambridge - Earth on Board seminar on sustainability for non executive directors. There was a real sense of urgency and excitement about the challenges and much very useful material on action and reporting by boards.
Very valuable.”



​Rob Campbell, Chair, SkyCity Entertainment Group.

"A powerful and vigorous call to action! Practical, inspiring and challenging. A wonderful opportunity to develop new thinking and approaches to evaluate leadership and contribution to issues. Of the utmost importance to all of us."


Board Director, international institutional investment managers.

"I have a much better perspective of the sustainability issues facing the Board after attending the course."


Director, Tuan Sing Holdings Ltd

"My personal objective was to bridge the gap between
bottom up coalface initiatives and reporting requirements around sustainability, and top down director fiduciary duties.
The course provided excellent breadth of perspective to bring these two elements together"


Non-Executive Director Participant, Australia 2023

"The programme raised awareness of the unknown, confirmed what we are getting right and gave an opportunity to consider alternative."


Board Director, Energy Generation Company.

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